Friday, August 10, 2012

I want to announce we now have a new name and address. We are now Carol Itoh: Publisher
 and our new address is

I want to turn my focus away from my writing and more toward the publishing end of the process. Being a small press owner gives me an entirely new prospective on the book industry. Here I will be prospective writers tip on how to query, submit a manuscript, and what most publisher's will and will not accept. This show help you greatly before you start the arduous process of emailing tons of publishers only to left wondering why the negative replies, or no reply at all.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


ITOH PRESS is a new small publishing company. I decided it was time to start my own company when I knew I was more successful at promoting my work than the publishing house I was with. They did little to help and I felt like a ship lost at sea all alone with no rescue in sight.

I offer everything every small press offers but I will assist the new author in more ways in helping them to make their book a success. If you want a change in the type of publisher you are working with then give us a change to help you.

Send your manuscripts to and see what we can do for you!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Review New Book

Please follow the link provided below to read the review of my latest book. Feel free to leave a ranking of your impressions!

Review Porcelain Passings Now!